Renewable Engine PhD Researcher Trialling AR Technology for Cobot Assembly

Renewable Engine PhD Researcher Trialling AR Technology for Cobot Assembly

Eleanor Smith, PhD Researcher at the University of Strathclyde, is continuing work on her project entitled “Industry 4.0 & Augmenting the Millennial Worker”, investigating how traditional paper-based instructions and procedures for assembly tasks can be replaced with Augmented Reality (AR) technology.

Working closely with her industry partner, Booth Welsh, Ellie has been conducting socially distant trials at their Head Office. With the help of iTech and their Techman Robot the trials involve using mobile AR technology (i.e. smart phone or tablet) to guide the user on how to assemble a Collaborative Robot (Cobot) and perform simple tasks.

The continued support of Booth Welsh has been central to driving the progression of this research alongside the academic team. Ellie’s research studies are set to conclude later this year and we are excited to see the final outputs.

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The project is supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), with match funding provided by the Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland) and Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Republic of Ireland).
Interreg - Northern Ireland - Ireland - Scotland - European Regional Development Fund